Specialization Level

Teachers who have acquired the Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education of the Bavarian Universities at the Advanced Level can apply for the specialization level. With a small group of instructors from the Universities of Bamberg and Bayreuth, participants can acquire the Specialization Level Certificate within two semesters and work intensively on their training in higher education teaching.

Within the framework of the specialization level, teachers expand their competencies in higher education teaching and reflect on their teaching activities. We place particular emphasis on transferring the subject knowledge into practical application. Upon successful completion, participants meet the national/international standards for a strong qualification in higher education teaching and enhance their applications with a teaching portfolio and a teaching project as evidence of their teaching qualification.

Mandatory Parts

Components of the Specialization Level Event Type AE (study units)
1. Opening Seminar: introduction, project basics
Attendance seminar 8
2. Teaching project
Self-study and counseling 16
3. Teaching Consultation: Peer observation Working in teams of 3 14
4. Teaching Consultation: Coaching Counseling by coaches 6
5. Introduction to the Teaching Portfolio
Attendance seminar (2 x 0,5 days) 8
6. Creating a Teaching Portfolio
Self-study 20
7. Preliminary Results and Project Presentation
Attendance seminar


  1. In the opening seminar, you will reflect on current developments for the professional design of your courses (e.g., teaching-learning theories). You form teams for collegial observation and develop a draft of your teaching project.
  2. In the teaching project you develop an innovative teaching concept in collaboration with a coach. You put the teaching project into practice and evaluate it. At the end, you will prepare a report on the project that will be included in your portfolio.
  3. As part of the peer observation, participants visit each other in their courses or lectures. They give each other feedback and work on the implementation of concrete goals. You will prepare a reflection report on this.
  4. As part of the specialization level, you have the option of taking advantage of coaching or teaching consultation for three hours. The coaching is carried out by experienced higher education teaching coaches of the FBZHL.
  5. Two half-day workshops prepare you for the teaching portfolio.
  6. Within the framework of the teaching portfolio you reflect and document your teaching activities and your teaching profile. The teaching portfolio can be presented in the context of application and appointment procedures.
  7. In the final attendance seminar preliminary results and project presentation, you will discuss the status of your work. You will present your teaching project and receive feedback from other participants.


On ProfiLehrePlus.de you can see when the next specialization level starts and register for it.