Project QUADIS – Improving the Quality of Technology-Enhanced Teaching at Bavarian Universities
The Centers for Professional Development in Higher Education at Bavarian universities were successful in the call for proposals by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (Foundation for Innovative Teaching in Higher Education) in 2020. The project “Improving the Quality of Technology-Enhanced Teaching at Bavarian Universities” (QUADIS) was approved in May 2021. The idea is to provide the entire range of professional training programs as a blended learning offering, thereby improving the learning experience and further developing the individual teaching persona.
Project Measures
Developing blended-learning offers for training
Promoting discourses on technology-enhanced teaching
The discourse on technology-enhanced teaching aims to generate more interest among instructors for higher education teaching, including its digital variants. Instructors will be inspired to generate teaching innovations and share them with others through various suggestions. This will be achieved through symposia, as well as the initiation and support of subject-specific and working groups for instructors. More information can be found here.
Supporting the transfer of teaching innovations into everyday teaching
QUADIS Symposium
From October 9th to 11th, 2023, the fourth QUADIS Symposium on the topic “Brückenschlag: Lernprozesse in analogen, hybriden und digitalen Formaten” (“Bridging the Gap: Learning Processes in Analog, Hybrid, and Digital Formats”) will take place at the University of Bamberg and FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. The 8th Teaching Day of FAU will also be held as part of this event. All information regarding the symposium can be found here.